Reusable Notebooks: The Pros and Cons
Are the days of beloved black and white composition books over? Maybe. Enter reusable notebooks. Reusable notebooks – sometimes referred to as erasable or even digital notebooks – are notebooks that can be erased and used over and over again. Most reusable notebooks also have tech features that let users upload their notes directly online.
But, reusable notebooks aren’t perfect. Considering a reusable notebook? Don’t buy one until you read our list of pros and cons!
Pro: Reusable Notebooks Are Better for Your Memory
Why use a reusable notebook when computers are available and just as eco-friendly? Well, writing in a reusable notebook – as opposed to typing notes – is better for your memory. According to Science Daily, the unique, complex, and tactile information associated with writing by hand is likely what leads to improved memory and learning. So, whether you’re using a reusable notebook for school, work, or just your personal life – you’ll remember what you write down better.
Con: Takes Time to Clean
While the cleaning process is relatively simple, it’ll still take time. For instance, Rocketbook – one of the most popular reusable notebooks – recommends erasing one page at a time and waiting for the page to dry completely. It’s certainly not the end of the world, but it can definitely be inconvenient when you’re strapped for time and have run out of pages.
Note: Some more expensive reusable notebooks allow you to microwave the book to erase pages. This can be a nifty feature if time is a concern for you.
Pro: Better For the Environment
Another big one. Most people switch to reusable notebooks to reduce their carbon footprint. According to the University of Southern Indiana, a single person will use roughly 680 pounds of paper per year. Reusable notebooks are great because you buy them once, and can use the same one for years. The battle against climate change is important, and reusable notebooks play a part in saving the planet.
Con: They’re Expensive Upfront
You can buy a 6-pack of composition books for only a couple of bucks. But, if you look at a reusable notebook like Rocketbook, it can cost upwards of $30 at full price. Of course, this higher upfront cost means you won’t have to buy note taking supplies in the future. Still, it takes months or even years for the cost to even out.