Benefits of a GFCI Outlet

Benefits of a GFCI Outlet


Benefits of a GFCI Outlet

Benefits of a GFCI Outlet GFCI outlets, also called Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets, boast a specific design that prevents your electrical systems and appliances from ove ...

Benefits of a GFCI Outlet

GFCI outlets, also called Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets, boast a specific design that prevents your electrical systems and appliances from overheating. Plus, it safeguards you from potential fire and electrocution.

National Electric Code requires all homeowners to install ground fault circuit interrupters in their homes. Typically, you’ll find GFCI outlets in your home in areas that are often wet or damp. For instance, you’d install them in your kitchens, outdoor areas, laundry rooms, garages, crawl spaces, and so on.

Are you wondering why GFCI outlets are becoming increasingly popular? Here we explore the top benefits of installing a ground fault circuit interrupter:

Electrical Shock Prevention

GFCI outlets boast sensors that control and monitor the flow of electricity throughout the circuit.

In this way, if even the smallest amount of current starts traveling along the wrong path, a three-prong outlet will redirect it into the ground.

However, if this current starts conducting through a human during the ‘ground fault’ process, the repercussions will be deadly and severe. For this reason, GFCI outlets completely cut off electrical power upon detecting a variance in the flowing current.

In this way, GFCI outlets protect us from suffering painful and injurious shocks from massive power surges coming in contact with water and faulty technology.

It Reduces the Likelihood of Fires Occurring

Electrical fires may result from several different things; however, GFCI’s can prevent these occurrences.

According to research, leaking electrical current is one of the most leading causes of electrical fires. ESFI evaluates that 51,000 electrical fires occur each year. These may occur due to old wiring, worsening condition of insulation, or damaged and loose wiring.

GFCI outlets, however, are known to lower the risk by a substantial amount, i.e., by a staggering 80%! It can reduce the risk of a devastating experience and significant losses from occurring.

Prevent Damage to Your Electrical Devices

Sudden spikes in electricity can cause lasting damage to your appliances. Moreover, electrical leaks can shorten the lifespan of your electrical devices.

By installing a GFCI outlet in your home, residents can ensure that a steady amount of power flows through their appliances. In case even a minuscule electricity leak occurs, the outlet will trip itself to ensure your device doesn’t sustain any damages.

Moreover, with the law requiring installing GFCI outlets, homeowners can keep their homes up-to-date with the latest codes. Plus, these are super affordable!

To Sum it Up

New rules and regulations in the electrical code state that GFCI outlets are necessary for all single-phase outlets at 125 volts. According to the Electrical Safety International (ESFI), there has been an 83% decrease in electrocutions since the introduction of GFCI.

Contact a professional to install GFCI outlet’s in all the right places in your home.