Ways to make your home energy efficient

Ways to make your home energy efficient


Ways to make your home energy efficient

Making your home energy efficient will not only save you money but also reduce energy wasted within your home. There are some easy changes to make in order to help your home become ...

Making your home energy efficient will not only save you money but also reduce energy wasted within your home. There are some easy changes to make in order to help your home become more energy-efficient.

Change your light bulbs to LED’s

Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than the old incandescent bulbs and will help save on your electric bill. Use natural light also whenever possible, and turn lights off when not in use.

Conserve water

By running a full load of laundry rather than a half-load, you conserve water and wash more clothing at one time. Showers also conserve water by using an average of 17.2 gallons in comparison to a bath averaging 75 gallons of water. With small changes in water conservation, an average of $170 a year can be saved.

Hot Water Usage

Running hot water for a long period of time causes the water heater to run, which uses a lot of energy in a small amount of time. This includes the washing machine for your clothes or even the dishwasher. The majority of energy being used by the washer is to heat the water, with only 10% of energy to run the washer. Try washing clothes with cold water to save a large amount of energy.

Reduce Air Leaks

Because air can flow through any small crack, make sure the windows and doorways are sealed tightly or add insulation to open spaces in the wall. By adding insulation, sealing cracks, leaks, and gaps, you can save almost 10% on heating and cooling costs because the air is being contained inside.

Replacing Filters

When your air filters are dirty or too old, it makes the system work harder and use more energy to operate. Taking the old filters out and replacing them with clean ones will allow the air to flow easier and also produce cleaner air throughout the house.

Close the Blinds

When it’s warm out, you can cover your windows to reduce heat within the home and reduce the workload of your AC. When it’s cold out, open your shades to let the sun increase the heat in your home. You might also consider replacing your windows from single-pane to a more energy-efficient window or adding a solar shade or tint.

Turn Off Electronics

Make sure to turn off all electronics such as the TV, computer, printer, and lights when they are not in use. Many people use power strips to run multiple devices at once. Instead, what can be done is to use the power strips but to turn the power to them off when not being used. If the power strip is on, there is constant electricity being used to power those devices plugged in.

Thermostat Settings

During the summer, set your thermostat to a slight higher temperature than in the winter. Setting the thermostat to a lower temperature than normal won’t cool your home much faster. Each change in degree can increase the amount of energy used between 6-8%.

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